Saturday, May 10, 2008

Krahnstoever - Activity Recognition with Vision and RFID

Krahnstoever, N.; Rittscher, J.; Tu, P.; Chean, K.; Tomlinson, T., "Activity Recognition using Visual Tracking and RFID," Application of Computer Vision, 2005. WACV/MOTIONS '05 Volume 1. Seventh IEEE Workshops on , vol.1, no., pp.494-500, 5-7 Jan. 2005


Person in an office or warehouse with cameras on them. Track their movements with a monte carlo model examining the image frames. Augment this with RFID tags embedded in all the objects the human can interact with. Do activity recognition by examining how the person is moving (vision) and what they are interacting with (rfid). RFID helps augment visual tracking for the purposes of activity recognition.


So they take an existing Monte Carlo visual tracking algorithm and magically throw RFID in to the jar. They say this does better. Sort of a "duh" moment. Why do we let Civil Josh pick papers?

1 comment:

风轻云谈 said...

yr,it's a good method,strenghing visual tracking efficience. But it splits visual system , emphasing only the functional. I think visual system should also possess learning and perception capability, then it could be more like a biologic visual system.