Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hammond and Davis -- LADDER

Hammond, Tracy, and Randall Davis. "LADDER, A sketching Language for User Interface Developers." Computer Graphics 29 (2005) 518:32.


Hammond and Davis want to create a system the enables the rapid development of systems using sketch recognition methods. They want the flexibility to allow the user to define shape descriptions and how to display those shapes, but not to burden the user down with the knowledge of how exactly to recognize those shapes given pen input.

The authors propose the LADDER language, which is composed of predefined shapes, constraints, editing behaviors, and display methods. The predefined shapes are simple primitives such as lines, arcs, circles, etc. Constraints (either hard--must be met--or soft--optional) can be placed on sets of these primitives to define higher-level shapes. Once a shape has been recognized, the user can specify how it is to be displayed. Also, he can specify what editing actions should be allowed to be performed on the shape. To generate the syntax for the shapes, the authors performed a user study where they asked 30 students to verbally describe shapes using increasingly limited vocabularies. Their syntax is shape based, which is more intuitive than a feature based syntax and is independent of drawing style. However, the language is limited in that the grammar is fixed and limited to very iconic, regular, and simple shapes, is limited to a set of primitive constraints, and is bad at handling curves.

Shapes are defined by a set of component shapes (either primitives or other defined shapes, constraints, aliases to simplify naming, and editing and display behaviors. Shapes may be abstract for hierarchical behaviors, and may be grouped into units for chaining behaviors. Vectors of components can be used to define a variable number of sub-shapes. Shapes can be edited after drawing by specifying editing rules.

Strokes are recognized as soon as they are drawn. The primitives are placed into a Jess knowledge-based system that is searched for any completed shapes. LADDER automatically provides for the automatic generation of the JESS code.


The authors skirt around the issue of representing curves. They say it is hard to do and their system is not good at it, but then later say they have the primitives Bezier curve, curve, and arc. I wonder how the representations are different for each curve? How are they able to generalize these structures while still maintaining user-intended semantics? Is it good enough to just say "there is a curve here" or do the control points have to be strictly defined? Overall, I wish more information on curve-handling would have been provided.

I liked the use of isRotatable so that I can be very strict in defining relations between components, but then allow those components to be rotated along any axis. I wonder how much computation this adds to the recognition process?

Jess seems like a very complicated route to get shape recognition. I wonder if some sort of hierarchical data structure could have been used for recognition... Will have to think about this more.

1 comment:

Brian David Eoff said...

Remember what was said in class, Jess is no longer used. As far as the curves go I think one of the problems is peoples inability to adequately describe what they mean when they say curve. There aren't many common constraints for curves the same way there are for lines. The degrees could be constrained, min-max, bounding box, but that isn't well understood as perpendicular/parallel.