Thursday, September 27, 2007

Abam - Streaming Algorithms for Line Simplificationm

Abam, Mohammad Ali, et al. "Streaming Algorithms for Line Simplification." SCG, 2007.


Abam et al. present a few algorithms for simplifying a set of points in a line into a simpler representation. The focus of the algorithms seem to be tracking an object through a space. After a certain amount of time, the finite storage space of the system doing the tracking is exhausted. To compact the path representation, line simplification algorithms are used to modify the stored path and reduce storage requirements.

They consider two distance metrics to measure the error of their simplified path from the real path. The Hausdorff error between a set of points is taken as the maximum distance between any pair of points in the two sets. This is also called complete-linkage distance as used in agglomerative hierarchical clustering. The other distance metric is called the Frechet distance, and can be thought of as the minimum length of a leash needed so that a man can walk on one line and his dog on the other line, where either may stand still but neither may walk backward.

The algorithms generally work by starting with a certain number of points in the line simplification, called set Q. As the algorithm progresses, the point in Q with the minimum error (distance from the true line) is removed from the simplification, so the simplification is a little worse, but not that much so.


This was, simply put, a hard paper to read.

I can see the applications of this paper. For path simplification in a situation where the entire, detailed history of an objects motion is either not necessary or is too large to fit in memory, these algorithms work great. However, I'm not sure of the application of these algorithms to sketch recognition. It seems like we would lose far too much detail in the simplification to be of any use to recognizers later.

I think a better way to perform stroke compression for sketch recognition could be performed in two steps. First, resampling can be used to reduce the number of points and still maintain any granularity of detail desired. Second, a sketch is inherently made up of certain primitives that can be reduced into their cleaned versions to reduce the amount of space needed to represent them. For example, a line/polyline could be represented by just the corners/endpoints, an arc with endpoints and radius.

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